The Dance Floor

Watch the accompanying video here. — if I die on the dance floor tonight know that I did not go willingly that tomorrow I had dreams of morning breath kisses from a boy I pray is left behind if I die on the dance floor tonight console yourself that it is how we wish forContinue reading “The Dance Floor”

Gay Standard Time

the gays make plans for brunch and when the heteros are upsettero because said gays are late the gays explain that they meant 11 AM G.S.T. G.S.T. is a queer unit of time which means Gay Standard Time or whenever is convenient for my gay ass G.S.T. continues to perplex horologists (horologists are time scientistsContinue reading “Gay Standard Time”

There is Joy in Sadness Too

today i cried the sudden out of nowhere wasp sting between the fingers COVID swab up the nostril kind of cry for the man on the bridge was a titan of grief propped up on six legs nothing special about today or the bridge or the man or the tears just that the medication seemsContinue reading “There is Joy in Sadness Too”


i don’t know what tomorrow brings the breathless ache of begging pardon from the departed or the lips of beautiful boys in dive bars pressed to poem taught me it’s apt to be neither the good or the bad or the absolution desired how many hours did i chase both (hours and hours and hoursContinue reading “ALL THE WRECKAGE WE’VE WROUGHT”